Martin Popik e-mail Martin Popik Slovensky Michal Holub Michal Holub e-mail
Gymnasium of Ladislav Novomesky, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA Gymnasium of Jur Hronec, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

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Experiment with Antifreeze

We were observing the thermal conductivity of the antifreeze that is used primarily in cars over the winter. We expected that its features might resemble the clean water but with greater temperature differences. In fact, the temperature differences were small. There were no extreme temperature "jumps". Temperature gradually rose in this experiment. The final curve is in fact almost linear and softer than clean water curve. You can see it on the final screenshot.

Antifreeze Whole system Detail of the sensor
Thermal expansivity at the end of the experiment Gurgitation of the liquid Thermal expansivity at the end of the experiment - detail