Martin Popik e-mail Martin Popik Slovensky Michal Holub Michal Holub e-mail
Gymnasium of Ladislav Novomesky, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA Gymnasium of Jur Hronec, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

Introduction Origin Device Experiments Links Competitions PoPoLab 3


The software program is set in language Turbo Pascal 7.0. This decision preceded unpleasant detection that AD transformer uses direct access to computers' ports and it sends the data by link ended by Canon 9 pin with its own non-standard connection. The operating system Windows does not allow direct access to computers' ports. It is theoretically possible to solve this problem in some versions of the Windows but it requires a lot of knowledge of that particular system (nowadays the students of FEI are solving this problem in their long-lasting final work). Because of this the program is set in Pascal and it also works in MS DOS. It is compatible with most computers used today.

Main screen File - open Pure water Pure water
Water and ice Water and ice Salt solution Salt solution
Antifreeze Antifreeze Fundamental oil Fundamental oil
Paraffin Paraffin Paraffin Paraffin